Monday, May 28, 2012

A Walk to the Garden.....

In our never ending quest to keep deer out of our garden, we have now added a scarecrow.  We decided that maybe they would think it was my husband and be frightened away.  This guy, however, has more hair than my husband!!  Sorry honey. 
He's a rather handsome fella standing guard out there! 
A friend told me that you should have borage in your garden so we have a couple borage plants.  I think this is to help with pollination. 
Our first zucchini of the year.....almost ready to pick. 
Fried green tomatoes anyone? 
Mr. Scarecrow is also watching over the bluebird house. 
Speaking of bluebirds, look at this little guy peeking out of his nest.  I don't know how many are in there yet.  I know Daddy has been close by as well as Mama Bluebird. 
I love the color of this butterfly bush.  I believe it was called Midnight Purple.  In certain lights it almost looks black. 
Two busy little bumble bees doing their job, having a tasty meal.

You never know what you might find on the way to the garden..................

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