One Winter Wonderland workshop complete and one to go. Eight wonderful women showed up this morning for a winter workshop ready and willing to take on three new projects.
Here we are making the snowman head make-do. They turned out quite adorable, even if one of us had to re-do her head because the threads popped open. Wonder who that was?
Tricia wants to know how long she has to sit and hold her make-do while the glue dries.....or something else. She should be careful or her face might freeze that way and you never know when the teacher is going to snap your picture!!
Now the ladies are working on the adorable snowman that Evette created from someone's pattern that I don't have in front of me at the moment to give that credit but I will next time when she comes back with the patterns. Tired and rambling.....sorry. Right now these fellas look like big blobs or ghosts or giant white snowpuffs (whatever that is). But just wait....
Time for lunch. We decided to take a break from snowmen and enjoy a warm bowl of soup on a very warm day. I did the snow dance but it just didn't happen. Instead we started the day with heavy rain and very warm temperatures. I finally broke down and turned on the AC. That's one way to bring winter to the room!
Ooooh Elaine, I see a snowman forming.....
Well, Elaine lost a needle and Debby is trying to help her find it. I hope they do because my bare feet have found more than one lost pin or needle!!
Here it is!! It was stuck in Elaine's shoe and nicely bent. That's one way to get out of stitching but not to fear, I have drawers full of needles.
Now, look at those snowmen. They turned out adorable. And once we finished those, we moved on to the black and white silhouette snowman mat. I, however, didn't take any more pictures because I was just pooped and the ladies were trying to get finished and I just plain forgot. So shame on me for not having finished pieces to share with you. But trust me, they did a great job, had a great time, and went home with some new winter treasures.
If any one is interested in participating in the next workshop on February 4, let me know. I accidentally put one person on that list who was in today's class, so I have an opening. Sometimes my brain doesn't do or remember what it's supposed to. Anyway, would love to have you!
Have a super good weekend. Session two of beginning quilt class here tomorrow so I get the day off from teaching. Plan on watching the little girls play basketball.
Find some time to stitch!
Looks like a wonderful time!